Mar 17Liked by Ben Pile

I do enjoy reading your posts, Ben, because they do a very good job of joining up the dots. Not that the picture that is formed is ever an inticing one. I would agree with you that Labour's popularity will tank after the election and sink below 30% within 6 months of them winning the election.

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It's Climate Communism, plain and simple.

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17

Well researched. I thought it odd at the time when Labour reduced their “climate change” £28 billion per year spending pledge to an arbitrary-sounding £7 billion a year. Now we can see the simple arithmetic. £28 billion a year will still be poured into climate change malinvestments under their watch (if logistically possible), except that three-quarters of it will be paid for by green billionaires who will be guaranteed a healthy profit, with long-suffering, hard-pressed taxpayers, businesses and households ultimately paying the entire bill.

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Theres no hope for the U.K. get out while you can🤦🏻‍♀️

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Blackouts, rising prices for consumers, business disruption, basic services collapsing (even more than today), politicians blaming us.... it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

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